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Tuesday 17 May 2016

A Message From 2019 #amwriting

Task: Write your blog update for 2019


21st November 2019, London: So, it looks like this could be it for me. We have no NHS to speak of any more after the Government managed to drive out all the Doctors and Nurses, whilst simultaneously selling off infrastructure and services to private businesses owned by their families and friends. And today, after a fortnight of checking, hoping, denying, today I have to admit that I think I have a lump. Even if I could afford to get it checked, I couldn't afford to have any treatment. This is our Government's own version of genocide - they will let anyone who cannot afford private health care die off. 

      Our elderly are rotting in badly run, over priced 'care' homes, if they are lucky. The less fortunate are left to fester in their own houses, with a 'care' visit twice a day - a cursory wipe to 'freshen' them up in the morning, sit them in front of the TV with a sandwich, then back any time between 3.00pm and midnight for their 'bed time' visit - put to bed with another sandwich and maybe a hot drink if they're lucky. 
      Our youth have no hope, no aspiration, no ambition - education is a luxury which can only be afforded by the super rich, so manual jobs await our school leavers, with no prospect for promotion or advancement. At least 80% of their take home pay is spent on simply paying the rent, with bills taking the rest of their income. No chance of holidays, no money for music, theatre, cinema, and no public broadcast service since the BBC was sold off to the Murdoch Corporation, so if they can't afford Sky, they are left with endless repeats of Top Gear and Mock the Week on Dave. They can't even read a book because a) the Government has cut spending in schools, so there is no support for children struggling with even the core subjects of Maths and English, and b) even if kids leave school with some level of literacy and numeracy, there are no libraries for them to use to borrow books and certainly no cash to buy them.
      And so it goes on. There is some resistance still - followers of the late Jeremy Corbyn still protest, risking their lives in the face of a police force under instruction to 'put down' any sign of 'protest' activity, after the last round of riots to sweep the Nation left businesses and properties burning, 260 people in hospital and 84 people dead. But even as these brave, or foolish, souls take to the streets, there is no knowledge of it beyond the demonstration - the same media company which owns the banks also owns our MPs, and there is no profit for them in encouraging protest, no benefit in letting the population know that there are protesters still willing to fight this corrupt Government. No, they fill the papers, magazines and social media with the latest Royal Baby. Kate has now produced infant number 5 and, frankly, is starting to show the strain of being a state sponsored baby machine. Each time there is a build up in civil unrest, or the upcoming elections are mentioned, she is dragged out, holding a new child, or expecting the next. Her once glossy skin and twinkling eyes now looking tired and strained. 
      What of the next election though? Who will vote? Rumour has it that the 'Barnet Blunder' in the London Mayoral elections in 2016, was a trial run to see if it would be possible to prevent strategic pockets of the population from voting. Further rumour suggests that members of the public are being offered either a 'significant reward' or 'compelling deterrent from refusal' by an underworld group set up to create a 'carousel' of voters who would be transported from polling station to polling station in order to vote for the current political powerhouse, much like the model believed to be used in Russia. Of course these rumours are strongly denied, and the minority voice trying to warn against such fixing is finding itself in increasingly hot water with liable suits being thrown around like rubber bullets at a protest march.
      Immigration has been closed for two years now after the fall out of Britain leaving Europe. The only visitors to our shores now are of the elite classes here on holiday or shopping for property, or those who have paid the astronomical prices required to gain a degree in the UK; at around £70,000 per student, most British kids leave school now with no chance of ever going into further education, and the remaining Universities fill with students from abroad or the offspring of Premier League footballers. 
      As the mass graves are filled and re-filled on the borders of France, 'Great' Britain watches with mild disgust and great disinterest as still more refugees from our oil-territory wars seek shelter. There is no sanctuary to be found here though. even skilled workers from 2016, who were the last to be granted work permits, are now coming to the end of their non-renewable contracts and facing deportation. 
      The plan was that British people would be trained to fill the voids, would take up the places of the Doctors, teachers, engineers, scientists, that it would be easy for our uneducated youth to back-fill the roles of the 10,000s of migrants who were willing and able to take on low-paid agricultural, manufacturing, processing, service industry roles. But the plan was deeply flawed. 
      The Government abolished unemployment benefits completely in 2018, assuming that it would force people to take on whatever work was available to them, and it did. However, with all the ambition and initiative conditioned out of us, the enforced participation in labour-intensive, low-pay, no prospect jobs has left a bitter and resentful workforce. Businesses have had to lower productivity targets, lower quality standards, lower resale prices, and there has been a 15% increase in businesses failing due to unreliable workforces, poor product quality and inability to compete in markets which have been saturated by cheap, ethically questionable European imports which we can no longer control or influence.
       With a sharp increase in unemployment and business failure has come an equally shocking increase in people reporting mental health problems. With no funding, no hospital beds and no support, this is another notch in the slow and subtle genocide system currently in employment. Suicide rates have sky-rocketed, now accounting for a tragic 25% of all deaths in the UK as of last year. Those tortured souls who do not take their own lives are destined to a life on the streets; unable to hold down their Government-appointed job, they have no source of income. Numbers of rough sleepers in the UK are at an all time high, with an estimated 4 million people being homeless, and 10,000 people sleeping rough on the streets on any given night. Instances of drug abuse, thefts, muggings and GBH have also increased 10-fold, and there is strong talk of re-establishing the Debtor's Prisons and Workhouses last seen in England in the late 1940s.

Honestly, I don't know why I am even writing this, or who will be able to read it. The control of non-propaganda compliant materials in the media is so tight these days, it is likely this will never be read. Although I do have a small audience in the dark suited people I expect to start tracking me down to fine or imprison me again, for speaking out against the system. Maybe there are still free people in Europe who might see this, who might urge their own Governments to challenge the British Power to re-engage, to re-establish a human rights act. 
      We have nothing much left to us now but hope that maybe, just maybe, there will be a different outcome for the 2020 elections, and some social justice can be reintroduced - but that even hope fails in the darkest hours when we are flooded and abandoned in the North, when we are huddled under blankets with no way to pay for electricity, when our strength is sapped through malnutrition because the only foods we can afford are high fat, high sugar, high salt, low nutrition microwaveable pots of slop. Genocide at its most understated efficient.
      If there is anyone out there able to read this, able to shine light into the gulf of despair that has swallowed our once great country, please, leave a comment, let us know there is life beyond our borders.
Give Us Hope.


Thank you for your feedback, and for taking the time to read my blog :)